
George Russell raises safety concerns for F1 crashes due to extraordinary car weight | F1

Following a major overhaul to the aerodynamic regulations, F1 cars are now at the heaviest they have ever been at a minimum weight of 798kg, thanks to an increase of 3kg on the eve of the 2022 season.  Speaking to about the regulation changes for 2022, the Mercedes driver, who is a director of the Grand Prix Drivers’ Association, revealed the concerns he has.  “There’s a lot of positives to take from this regulation change, but equally, the big [issue] is the weight,” said Russell.

Good Smile Company's US Store's Shipping Fees are insane

So this seems to be an issue that started to pop up last year. At the very least I know it wasn't the case back in April due to having a Scale figure preorder from that time for only 6 dollars shipped, but now that seems like a thing of the past, never to happen again. I've seen a few people talk about this before, but I was kind of surprised when I could only find just a few posts about it throughout the entire year, which makes me assume that this is either not as big of a deal as I thought, or people don't realize just how wacky some of the prices have been.

Logan Browning Net Worth | TheRichest

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Mariupol Teen Summoned to Russian Enlistment Office Reports

A Ukrainian teenager taken to Moscow from the occupied city of Mariupol has been summoned to a local military registration and enlistment office, media have reported.  Bohdan Ermokhin, 17, was one of a group of several dozen children moved from the Donetsk region by the Russian military and placed with foster families in Russia. “I no longer have doubts about Russia’s plans,” his lawyer, Yekaterina Bobrovskaya, told the Ukrainian news site Grati.

Maya Ali Height, Wiki, Age, Biography, Career, Net Worth, Family, Ethnicity, Boyfriend

Maya Ali Height, Wiki, Age, Biography, Career, Net Worth:- Maya Ali is a Pakistani film and television actress. She made her debut in the telenovela Durr-e-Shehwar and later gained appreciation for her portrayal of the titular heroines in both Aik Nayee Cinderella and Aun Zara. Ali made her big break as Manahil Javed in Hum TV’s romance Mann Mayal. Teefa in Trouble was her feature film debut in 2018. Ali was nominated for the Lux Style Award for Best Television Actress for her roles as Zuleikha in the love drama Mera Naam Yousuf Hai and Faarah Wali Khan in the ensemble family drama Diyar-e-Dil.

Meet NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - Wife, Age, Religion, Nicknames, Net Worth and Facts

Meet NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar regarded as one of America’s greatest basketball players. He’s also a best-selling author and has coached basketball. He played 20 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) before retiring in his illustrious career. Several awards were bestowed upon him as a result of his dominant winning streak. Who is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, also called (until 1971) Lew Alcindor, byname of Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor, Jr., American collegiate and professional basketball player who, as a 7-foot 2-inch- (2.

MK1s timeline refresh could mean Takeda is someone else entirely

We know we’re all still sitting here waiting for the Mortal Kombat 1 release date to roll around, but veteran fighting game developer NetherRealm Studios has already confirmed which Mortal Kombat 1 characters will feature in the game’s first post-launch DLC: Kombat Pack 1. While MK1 upstaged Call of Duty with its Homelander reveal, it also confirmed that Mortal Kombat 1  players will be able to play as Takeda in the future – a massive win for fans of the Kombat Kids.

Nicole Chacn Wikipedia: cumpleaos, casa, naci, edad, esposo, parents

Nombre Nicole ChacónFecha de nacimiento / ¿Cuántos años tiene? / Edad / Cumpleaños No hay información confirmada disponible.Biografía / Información wikiIntroducción : Nicole Chacón, es una famosa comunicadora de Puerto Rico, con apariciones en Noticentro Edición Estelar y también como fundadora de Contacto. Nicole Chacón es una de las caras de Noticentro con constante presencia en las redes sociales, dándole la reputación de uno de los rostros más reconocidos del medio Puertorriqueño.

Sophie Mae Jason: Everything About David Jasons Daughter

Sophie Mae Jason is the daughter of award-winning British actor Sir David John White popularly known by his stage name David Jason. Sophie’s father is best known for his roles in Only Fools and Horses, A Touch of Frost, and The Darling Buds of May, among others. He is one of Britain’s most famous, respected, and versatile actors. He has won several accolades including four British Academy Television Awards (BAFTAs), four British Comedy Awards, and seven National Television Awards.

Tears of the Kingdom - How to Unfuse Items in TotK

Recommended VideosFusing items together is one of the key mechanics in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but you also need to break them apart and infuse them. The process of unfusing an item from another one can be confusing, but there’s a simple way to do it. When you unfuse an item, it detaches, and you can still use it on other materials. However, that’s only with the Ultrahand, when you’re building.