When you acquire a Great Rune in Elden Ring, you’ll have to take it to a specific Divine Tower before you can use it. If you can topple the game’s deadly super boss, Malenia, you’ll obtain her Great Rune, which allows you to recover HP on any attacks landed after you take damage. To use this ability, you’ll have to go to the Isolated Divine Tower, which can only be accessed through a teleporter located in Leyndell.
The teleporter is located next to Leyndell’s Divine Bridge Site of Grace, which we have marked on the map below.

If you don’t feel like scouring the city to find this area, you can also easily warp to it by triggering a transporter chest trap located at the top of the Tower of Return in the Weeping Peninsula.

However you get to the Divine Bridge, you should see some stairs leading up to the area’s Site of Grace. Ahead of you will be a large Golem, which you’ll have to defeat. After beating it, interact with the teleporter to your left.

Once you load back in, you’ll be at the doorstep of the Isolated Divine Tower. All that’s left for you to do now is to take the elevator to the top of the tower, head to the roof, and activate Malenia’s Great Rune.
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Jon Yelenic
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