There are Hidden Chests in the Savathun's Spire activity in Season of the Witch. Here's how you can unlock them.
Season of the Witch has arrived in Destiny 2, and with it comes two separate Seasonal Activities in the Summoning Ritual and Savathun's Spire. The latter has a ton of fun random encounters, enemies dense fights, and rewards just waiting to be uncovered by Guardians eager to give their Tithes to Eris, our new Hive God.
Perhaps the most exciting thing for Destiny veterans is going to be Hidden Chests, and Savathun's Spire has a few that are just waiting for players to find. Luckily, we've discovered these little loot buckets and have compiled precisely how to get your hands on some free loot and vendor reputation. Let's take a look at how to unlock the Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire.
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Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest Locations Week 1
The Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire are simple enough to unlock: There will be Purple and Orange Hive Rune Pendants that are hidden around the environment between encounters in the Spire. They need to be damaged with a matching damage type, purple for Void and orange for Solar, for the Chest to appear. Right now, there are four hidden chests to unlock and more will become available to find after each reset for the next few weeks. Let's look at where the first two are in Savathun's Spire.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 1
The first Hidden Chest in Savathun's Spire is in the section between the first and second encounters as you ascend the Spire. Once you come into the blueish, purpleish room above, there will be three Pendants that need to be shot.
The first Pendant is on the right-hand side of the Hallway as you make your way through this room. Tagging it with a Void weapon will activate it.
The second Pendant is below and behind the taller jump-up immediately as you exit the hallway and requires a solar weapon to activate. Note that these do not have to be shot in any particular order, but when all Pendants have been hit, you'll see "A secret is unveiled" in the Feed on the left-hand side of the screen.
The third Pendant is on the other side of the tower you're standing on when you fire at the Solar Pendant after exiting the Hallway. Once you've tagged all three Pendants with the correct elemental weapons, the green door behind the Pendant will fade away and you can collect your loot.
The Hidden Chests will drop weapons from the Season of the Witch and grant some vendor reputation which will help you unlock Bounties and other rewards at the Ritual Table in the Athenaeum. After you've opened them for the first time that week, you'll receive Glimmer and Rep only.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 2
This Chest, hidden between the second and third encounters, is much easier to get as the Pendants are much easier to spot and fire at. This will be during the ascent where you're jumping through doors with the matching Hive Runes above them. Before heading through the final door, you can turn around and spot all four of the Pendants. There will be two Void and two Solar and these can either be shot while you're here or after you go through the door.
Once these have been shot as you jump across the platforms that they're under, the Chest will appear to the right of the doorway before you Rally the flag and use your Hive Magic to go into the final encounter.
Don't forget to grab the chest! Just because you spawned it, doesn't mean you'll get your loot. The chest flashes a bit with a white/blue light when it appears, so you should be able to spot it right away.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest Locations Week 2
Welcome back Guardians to another week of Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire! This week it was revealed to us that the previous week's chests are not available during the next spot in the rotation, so it's only these this week until either the rotation resets to week one or hopefully when they all become available at once. Until then, let's show you where to find the Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire for Week 2.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 3
This chest is extremely easy to grab. As you ascend the Spire after the first encounter, you'll come to the first big jump with the swinging pendulums. Instead of going forward, turn to your right and the room with the chest will be right there, waiting for you,
Heed my warning! Once you open the chest, there will be an immune Knight that will spawn and terrorize you for around 30 seconds. There's nothing you can do to hurt him, so just enjoy your time together until he gets bored. Like a big cat.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 4
The next chest is between encounters two and three. This one is right after you've jumped down into the last of the matching-symbol doors.
Once through the door, turn around instead of heading forward and fall down into the hole to find a Deepsight spawn.
Traverse the platforms until you come across the chest and a portal to make your way back to the path.
Congratulations, Guardian! You've found both of the chests this week. Check back next week for the next Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest Locations Week 3
Another week means another set of hidden chests in Savathun's Spire. This week is going to be more akin to Week 1 with both chests requiring players to take out more sets of Hive Rune Pendants. Let's take a look at where to find the hidden chests in Savathun's Spire in Week 3.
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 5
The first chest this week is hidden between the first and second encounters. Make your way up the Spire and into the blue room with the swinging Hive pendulum of death.
Make your way to the central pillar's platform as seen above. Here, you'll be able to shoot the two Solar Pendants across the way from where you entered the room.
Once you hit the Solar Pendants, face the door that you just came in from and hit the two Arc Pendants, one on either side of the door's platform.
Once you've hit all four pendants, head up until you find the doorway that's tucked just underneath the pathway slightly higher up the Spire. It will be visible from the central platform and isn't far up at all, but some platforming might make getting in easier.
Proceed inside to collect your loot and Triumph!
On to the next chest!
Savathun's Spire Hidden Chest 6
The next hidden chest this week is between the second and third encounters. Just after you've jumped down into the free-fall door, as we did for the fourth hidden chest last week, you'll turn around to find a hole to jump down and tag the first Void Pendant.
The next Pendant is another Arc Pendant that appears in the statue below the Void Pendant. The Rune Pendants for this chest won't appear until you've shot the previous one in the sequence, so make sure you hit them in order, or else you won't see the rest.
After the first two are activated, hop across the gap to the next tower and head inside.
The next Arc Pendant will be high up above in the hands of one of the statues on the wall.
Once you've tagged that one, the fourth and final Pendant, a Void one, will appear in the status below it. Activate it for the secret to be revealed!
Turn around and collect your loot! Watch out for the little Hive Trap. Just like all the others since Destiny 1, shooting it with a few rounds will deactivate it and you'll be home free.
There you have it! Both hidden chests in Savathun's Spire for Week 3!
These Hidden Chests are extremely easy to crack open. After you've become familiar with the Savathun's Spire activity, I still recommend opening them whenever you're playing with Blueberries, especially if you're well ahead of them. The reputation gain isn't huge. Currently, it's only a +10, but granting some extra rewards to the rest of the community will give you that warm fuzzy feeling inside.
That's everything you need to know about how to find the Hidden Chests in Savathun's Spire! Make sure you check out our guide on how to complete the Unveiled Quest in Destiny 2 and how to get your hands on Red Death in The Final Shape when it drops on February 27th, 2024!
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