Good Smile Company's US Store's Shipping Fees are insane
So this seems to be an issue that started to pop up last year. At the very least I know it wasn't the case back in April due to having a Scale figure preorder from that time for only 6 dollars shipped, but now that seems like a thing of the past, never to happen again. I've seen a few people talk about this before, but I was kind of surprised when I could only find just a few posts about it throughout the entire year, which makes me assume that this is either not as big of a deal as I thought, or people don't realize just how wacky some of the prices have been. Figure's Like Bunnies or anything with detailed bases can cost anywhere from $50-$150 dollars just to ship, and with no discounts I find it harder and harder to want to order from them directly. To me it makes more sense to grab their figures from any other japanese retail shop, or even GSC Global since it often ends up cheaper.
So I guess I want to ask if anyone is reading this, what's your experience with Good Smile US's Shop? Do you order scale figures from them these days, and if so how often do you run into prices that seem crazy? I actually went ahead and made a video on this subject, as I wanted to talk about it in greater detail and make comparisons to other shops, so hey if you wanted to check that out I'll link it here.