Robert Browning famously said, “Love is the energy of life.” There is nothing as powerful as receiving the Lovers Tarot card during a reading, especially one centered on personal relationships.
The Lovers tarot card is number six of the Major Arcana cards and mainly represents love, relationships, and major decisions regarding soulmate situations.
Even if you’re not looking for love advice, this card has a powerful message that helps you get clear about your own values and find harmony within yourself.
So, let’s dive into this wonderful major arcana card and discover what it means for you!
Table of Contents
What Does the Lovers Tarot Card Mean?
The Lovers Tarot card represents harmony, connections, romance, and pure love. It reflects balance in all types of relationships and symbolizes a deep connection with your soul mate or significant other.
There is also the energy of choice within this card, and it may crop up in a Tarot reading when you have two options in front of you. Which will you pick?
The Lovers Tarot Card Description
To fully understand the Lovers card meaning, we must first examine the illustration, its colors, and symbolism. Doing so allows us to really get to grips with what this card represents.

This iconic card shows a naked man and woman resembling the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The man and woman are standing beneath the angel of air Raphael whose name means “God heals”, symbolizing physical and emotional healing.
The element of the air of Raphael is also associated with communication – the foundation for healthy relationships. Archangel Raphael blesses the man and woman and reminds them of their balance and agreement.
Behind the man, there is a tree of flames, which represents the man’s fiery passion that shapes his destiny. The twelve flames stand for the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity.
Behind the woman stands an apple tree with a snake wrapped around the trunk. This symbolizes humanity’s fall into temptation and the realm of instant gratification and sensual pleasures. This may take one’s focus away from the Divine.
The Lovers Tarot card shows the union of two opposing forces, as well as the short pleasure of a moment before it is corrupted.
The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Upright
The upright Lovers tarot card can imply that you have major life-changing choices or are faced with a dilemma. Temptation is often part of that choice or dilemma.
Perhaps this card has appeared in a Tarot reading when you are making a choice between your personal life and professional life. You may have been offered a job somewhere abroad, but this job means leaving your significant other behind.
You may feel unsure about what direction you should take or who to trust. Or you may have to choose between contradicting and equally unifying options.

The Lovers in Tarot advises you not to automatically go for the easy road (temptation). First, gather the information you need to make the right decision.
If you face the problem and contemplate it wisely, it will lead you to greater things.
The Lovers Card Upright Money and Career Meaning
Because the Lovers in Tarot is all about renewal, career and money changes can happen quickly when this card is in the mix.
When our lives are fully focused on our personal relationships, it is easy to lose track of finances, overspend, and make outlandish purchases.
Resist the temptation to be impulsive at work or with investments, especially if you are unsure of which direction to take. Use this sense of uncertainty to fuel your inner search.
Take some time to meditate on these two questions: what do you really desire, and what steps can be taken to achieve these goals? This card may predict a business partnership, too.
- Don’t lose track of your finances
- Resist the temptation to be impulsive
- Meditate on what you really desire and how to accomplish this
The Lovers Tarot Card Upright Love Meaning
The main meaning of the upright Lovers tarot card is(pretty obvious) love, as well as romance, attraction, and perfect harmony.
If you’re single and receive this card in a love reading, hang on tight because this card tells you that a red-hot romance is coming. There is even the possibility of a choice between two different lovers. Will you pick physical desire or emotional connection?
If you are in a relationship or already committed, this card indicates a beautiful, soul-honoring connection with a loved one that is literally and figuratively in the cards. It shows you are deeply involved with your partner and have an intense bond. You are with the right person and on the exact same wavelength as them!
Getting this card in a love Tarot reading is a sign that you can make your feelings and intentions clear with confidence that they will be reciprocated.
It also indicates desirability and harmony between people who are in love with each other, so if you’ve been wishing for the renewal of your relationship, the time is right.
- If you’re single, be ready for a red-hot romance
- If you’re in a relationship, this is a soul-honoring connection
- Are you wishing for renewal? If so, this will happen soon, and you will bring harmony to your love life
The Lovers Upright Health Meaning
Besides romance and love, the Lovers tarot card in a health context also represents the growth of your subjective principles and beliefs, irrespective of what society dictates as norms. It’s about getting clear about your values and finding harmony within yourself, away from external forces.
After the indoctrination of the Hierophant, it is now time to set your belief system and decide what’s important to you.
In the beginning, you may feel a little bit torn between your old thinking and the new perspective gained as you learn from your experience, but this is the first step toward a greater spiritual awakening.
- Grow your own subjective principles and beliefs
- Decide what’s important for you
The Lovers Reversed Meaning
So, what does the reversed Lovers mean? Let’s take a look at what the Lovers reversed means in a Tarot reading.

When upright, this major arcana card indicates love and harmony, but the Lovers reversed stands for breakups, disharmony, missed connections, power struggles, and personal fears about commitment.
The reversed Lovers Tarot card can also specify that you have been escaping accountability for your own actions. You may have made a choice that was based on your wish for instant fulfillment but are now blaming others for the consequences that are happening to you.
There is conflict in your life right now, and you don’t know what the right thing to do is. Perhaps you have fallen out with a friend and are unwilling to reach out for reconciliation. Or, maybe you have hurt someone in the past and are still feeling guilty and upset about it.
The card advises you to be accountable, learn from your mistakes, and let go. Focus on your personal belief systems and values, and develop a deeper understanding of your true self. This will help you to make better choices and avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
The Lovers Tarot Card Reversed Love Meaning
If you’re in a relationship, the card can indicate that you’re not on the same page anymore. The relationship started with you both feeling deeply connected on many levels, but you don’t feel as close as you used to.
Are you having a lot of arguments, or are you no longer sharing the same values? Do you disrespect each other pretty often?
If so, it is time to consider if you still love the other person and to think about the positive and negative aspects of your romantic relationship.
You may realize that your relationship is still worth fighting for or that the two of you have grown apart and that it’s time to separate and let go.
In both cases, hold on to your personal beliefs and do what is best for you both. Self-love and respect are also what the reversed Lovers card stands for. Accept who you are and try to see the value you offer in this world.
The Lovers Card Reversed Money and Career Meaning
The Lovers reversed in a money and career reading reflects a conflict in the workplace. Perhaps you are upset with your business partner and feel you don’t share the same goals as them anymore. Or, maybe you are unsure about your career path and the direction you are going in.
Take time to reflect on what you want from your career and work out what you can do to make things better. Have a think about your career future. Are you following your true goals? Or are you just heading down the one path you are on because it feels safe?
The Lovers Reversed Health Meaning
Receiving this card in a reversed position in a health reading suggests that there is disharmony within your mind, body, and soul. You are feeling out of whack and need to do something to get yourself back on track!
Consult with a doctor or healthcare provider for a general checkup and focus on maintaining harmony and balance within you.
The Lovers Tarot Card Combinations
Because the Lovers tarot card has several different meanings, most readers look to surrounding cards to determine exactly what your Higher Self wants you to know about your present situation.
When paired with other Major Arcana cards, the message is even more powerful (for all readings), and Cups signify that the spiritual communication being transmitted is love/relationship related.
The Lovers and the Hermit
If you’ve been feeling alone and disconnected from the love of every type, the Hermit and the Lovers tarot card is a combination that commonly appears.

Although self-care and focusing on your own needs are important, this pairing suggests that you should work on renewing the relationships that are important to you.
Don’t wait for them to make the first move. Reach out to friends and family that you miss in your life and work on rekindling what you once had.
The Lovers and the Empress
When the Empress falls with the Lovers tarot card, warm feelings abound. You will soon feel overwhelming joy, and this emotion will be present in every relationship that you cherish.

If you’re going through relationship problems or feuding with a family member, things are about to turn around. If you’re looking for love, several suitors are going to present themselves.
So, prepare to make a choice.
The Lovers and the Five of Cups or the Three of Swords
When connected to the Suit of Cups, the Lovers is almost always related to love or romance. However, when it’s the Five of Cups that is in pairing, loss and heartache are front and center. The same is true when it is paired with the Three of Swords, which represents rejection or separation.
Are you currently going through a heartbreak, divorce, or some other relationship severing? If so, it might feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.
As difficult as it might seem, focusing on the positives in your life is the best thing that you can do at the present time.
Close your eyes and ask yourself this question: what do you still have to be grateful for? Embrace the answer you receive.
Is the Lovers a Yes or No Card?
The Lovers signifies a yes in a yes or no Tarot reading.
If you are at a crossroads and want to move forward in a certain direction but feel unsure, put all doubt to the side. Press forward with confidence.
What Number is the Lovers Card in Tarot?
The Lovers tarot card is associated with Six, the number of communication and harmony. This number brings balance and helps settle problems through mutual aid.
Six is also considered a mystical number. It is the combination of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, as explained in many theories and even mentioned in Dan Brown’s book The DaVinci Code.
In this book, the six-pointed star, also known as the Star of David, is explained as a combination of Feminine and Masculine principles. The upright and inverted triangles together that create a six-pointed star represent this balance of masculine and feminine.
What Zodiac is the Lovers Tarot Card?
The Lovers card is associated with Libra and Gemini. It is the archetype of shared energy between two people, which is seen in the sociable nature of both of these signs.
The Lovers Card Designs
Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, I use other decks, too. And I love all the awesome decks out there!
Below, you can find a small selection of beautiful Lovers tarot cards. If you drew a tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!

The Lovers In A Reading
That’s all for the Lovers Tarot card meaning! If you have pulled this card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life? Do you have major life-changing choices to make, or are you faced with a dilemma?
Just remember that this card advises you to not automatically go for the easy road (temptation). Make sure you first gather all the information you need before making a decision.
Are you a beginner Tarot reader? Learn how to read Tarot in this Tarot Beginner’s Guide.