World of Warcraft Dragonflight is an expansion packed with lore, and navigating all those campaign quests can be quite demanding, especially when you come back to the game.
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Separated from the rest of the world for 10,000 years, the Dragon Isles became a fabled place only a few have heard of, and even fewer visited it. But once one of the watchers activates the Beacon of Tyr, removing the mists enveloping the isles from the curious eyes, the Dragon Isles become once again accessible.
This marks the return of the Dragon Aspects and announces the arrival of us, the heroes of Azeroth. After we gathered our forces and set sail for the Dragon Isles, we learned that the isles were in a far worse state than we ever imagined. Venturing through four unique leveling zones, we help the Red, Black, Green, Blue, and Bronze Aspects to recover their strength and help them confront the leader of Primalists—Raszageth the Storm-Eater who is trying to free the world of the Titan’s influence.
If you want to experience the story firsthand and not just read about it, here’s the full list of campaign quests in Dragonflight.
The introductory scenario in WoW Dragonflight
Before venturing to the Dragon Isles, you’ll need to gather the finest soldiers of the Horde and the Alliance and set sail for the isles. When you reach level 60, you’ll get the introductory quest The Dragon Isles Await and from there you’ll just need to follow the questline consisting of the following quests:
The Waking Shores campaign in WoW Dragonflight

The first zone we’ll explore on the Dragon Isles is the Waking Shores. There, we’ll reconnect with the Red Aspect and help the Black Aspect reclaim the Obsidian Throne. In total, the Waking Shores has five chapters of the main campaign you need to complete before you can go to Ohn’ahran Plains.
The Dragonscale Expedition
- Side quests: Dragon Isles Fishing, Opportunities Abound, and Dragon Isles Supplies → Funding a Treasure Hunt
- Side quests: From Such Great Heights and Give Peace a Chance → Encroaching Elementals, Quality Assurance, Always Be Crafting, Dragon Isles Cooking, and primary profession quests
Dragons in Distress
- Breadcrumb to the Restless Wetlands: Erstwhile Ecologists
- Bonus objectives: Djaradin Djustice and Dragonhunter Igordan
- Side quest: Fighting Fire with… Water
- Side quest: A Two for One Deal
In Defense of Life
- Side quests: A Ruby Lifecalling, Friend on the Mend, Artisan’s Courier, and Stay a While → Memories
- Dragonriding
- How to Glide with Your Dragon
- How to Dive with Your Dragon
- How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon
- The Skytop Observatory
- A New Set of Horns
- Dragon Glyphs and You
- Dragon Isles Races open: The Waking Shores Tour
- Return to the Ruby Lifeshrine
- Bonus objective: Clear the Battlefield
- Dungeon quest: Ruby Life Pools: Primalist Invasion
- Breadcrumb to the Dragonscale Basecamp: Out For Delivery
Wrathion’s Gambit
- Bonus objective: Pruning the Preserve
A Purpose Restored
Ohn’ahran Plains campaign in WoW Dragonflight

In Ohn’ahran Plains we’ll meet friendly Centaur tribes in need of help as clan Nokhud has started working with the Primalist. We’ll have four chapters of the story to complete before we can move to the next zone—the Azure Span.
Into the Plains
- Ohn’ir
- Clan Ohn’ir
- Omens and Incense
- Teerai
- Clan Teerai
- Honoring Our Ancestors
- Nokhud
- Clan Nokhud
- Unwelcome Outsider
- Orientation: Maruukai (optional)
Ohn’ahra’s Blessing
- Optional side quests:
- WANTED: Mara’nar the Thunderous
- Up to No-khud → Land of the Apex and Signs of the Wind
- Weather Control
- Eagle-itarian
- Fowl Sorcery
Bonds Renewed
- Optional: Some Call Me Bug Catcher
- Optional: The Storm Scar
- Optional: The Nokhud Offensive: The Wind Belongs to the Sky and The Lonely Scout
The Azure Span campaign in WoW Dragonflight

The Azure Span, home to the Tuskarr and the Blue Dragonflight welcomes us after we complete the main story in Ohn’ahran Plains. There, we’ll discover what’s hiding in the Archives and help Tuskarr deal with their Gnoll problems. In total, the zone has four chapters.
Into the Archives
- Bonus objective: Thieving Gnolls
- Side quests: Some Good Fishing, WANTED: Gorger, Arcane Detection → How To Stop An Exploding Toy Boat
- Side quests:
- WANTED: Frigellus → Setting the Defense
- Path to Nowhere
- Tending the Forge → Send It!
- Side quest: Suspiciously Quiet → Ways of Seeing → For The Love of Others
Tuskarr Troubles
- Optional: Falling Water
Decayed Roots
- Bonus objective: Stop the Spread
- Optional: Brackenhide Hollow: To the Source
- Optional side quests: Drakes be Gone, Artifacts in the Wrong Hands, Riders in the Snow, and Field Mages
Thaldraszus campaign in WoW Dragonflight

The final zone we explore on the Dragon Isles is Thaldraszus. Home to Dragon Aspects, Thaldraszus is full of wonders that are only waiting to be discovered. This zone also has three chapters, but there’s one more chapter that’s not explicitly tied to the campaign, but it wraps up the entire story.
Valdrakken, City of Dragons
Time Management
Big Time Adventurer
The Mother Oathstone
This is not an official chapter of the Thaldraszus campaign, but it continues the story.
Additional campaign quests tied to Renown in WoW Dragonflight
After you complete the main campaign and unlock Renown, you have to spend some time completing world quests and grinding your reputation with factions of the Dragon Isles to unlock additional quest lines. These questlines are tied to a specific faction and can only be completed after you reach a certain level of Renown.
A Mystery, Sealed
Unlocks at Dragonscale Expedition Renown 13:
- The Abandoned Outpost → The Vigilance of Tyr
- The Ruins of Szar Skeleth → The Insight of Tyr
- The City of the Dead → The Judgment of Tyr
In the Halls of Titans
Unlocks at Dragonscale Expedition Renown 24:
The Chieftain’s Duty
Unlocks at Iskaara Tuskarr Renown 11:
- Side quest: Encroaching Heat
The Silver Purpose
Unlocks at Valdrakken Accord Renown 12:
Garden of Secrets
Unlocks at Valdrakken Accord Renown 19:
The Dreamer
Unlocks upon completing Garden of Secrets:
The Forbidden Reach campaign in WoW Dragonflight

A Creche Divided
- Helping Hand and Claw (Zskera Vaults chain → Plunder Siege, Still Within Reach, Envoy dailies, world quests, weekly quests)
The Zaralek Cavern campaign in Dragonflight

Breaking Ground
Sundered Legacy
The Ancient Bargain
Inherited Sin
Inevitable Confrontation
A Flame, Extinguished
Patch 10.1.5 campaign

Dawn of the Infinite
Patch 10.1.7 campaign

Coalition of Flames (mandatory campaign for Patch 10.2)
No Limits
Reforging the Tyr’s Guard
Patch 10.2 campaign
Enter the Dream
- Call of the Dream
- Emerald Welcome
- Feast or Flaming
- Wild Gods in Our Midst
- Burning Assault
- The Face of Our Enemies
- The Cruel
- Amirdrassil
- Lost to the Flame
- Between Fyrakk and a Hard Place
- Home in the Dream
- A Multi-Front Battle
Druids of the Flame
- The Burning Barrow
- Slay Corrupted Denizens
- Ashen Soil
- Not Yet Lost
- The Smoldering Copse
- Burning Ground
- Grim Reprisal
- Forlorn Hope
- The Looming Cinder
Ice and Fire
- Mayhem Incarnate
- Light ‘Em Up!
- Best Laid Plans
- Primalist Directive
- Finding Terro
- Assault on the Wellspring
- Big Bright Beautiful Barrier
- Power, Eruption, and Lies
- Tactical Withdrawal
Eye of Ysera
- Eye of Ysera (quest)
- A New Brute
- In and Out Scout
- Disarm Specialist
- Good Counsel
- Putting Roots Down
- Merithra’s Gambit
- Might of the Forest
- Triple Threat (quest)
- Flight and Fight
- The Ember Still Smolders
A Dream of Fields and Fire
The full list of quests in this chapter is still unknown.
New Beginnings
The full list of quests in this chapter is still unknown.
Misfit Dragons (optional)
- A Dragon in Hand is Worth Two in the Roost
- Draconic Diplomacy
- Cavern Cleaning
- Delectable Delicacies
- A Dragon’s Eye View
- A Whelping Hand
- Home in Time for Tea
- The Thorignir
- Dragon Keeping