Key meanings (Upright): Adventure, excitement, happy thoughts, energetic, cheerful, playful, active, optimistic, fresh ideas, extrovert, fearless, daring, good news, phone calls, letters, confident, intelligent
Key meanings (Reversed): Impatient, rushing, hasty, gullible, lazy, lethargic, lack of energy, spoiled, loud mouth, tantrums, lack of goals, delinquent, problem child, lack of confidence, unreliable, boring, easily distracted, predictable, fearful, self-conscious
Page of Wands tarot card description
To understand the meaning of the page of wands and what it conveys, we need to evaluate every aspect of the image on the card. We first notice a young man standing proudly in the middle of a barren-looking dessert holding a wand in his hand.
By the looks of it, the man looks like a page, holding and looking at his wand, excluding passion and confidence. We can already tell that this man has achieved things considered honourable, and he is proud of his success and achievements. He is well dressed and makes a bold statement with his clothes and hat, which has a feather sticking out of it, hinting about his success and honour. His clothes are a great representation of his personality and what he stands for. Vibrant-looking colours and patterns are always a sign of confidence. The colour orange is bright and boastful, indicating his courage and dedication. The colour orange also stands for vitality and passion. As we notice closer, we can identify that the pattern of the clothes has salamanders drawn on them, and it is a representation of fire and transformation.
The background of the card consists of barren land and dessert. This is an implying that the page is confident about his capabilities and has a gift of finding growth and potential even in the most unlikely situations. He is confident that he can find an opportunity anywhere and is not bound by circumstances.
Page of Wands (Upright)
Upright Page of Wands tarot card meaning
The Page of Wands in the upright position is an indication of your mental state and capacity. You are in a position where you are ready to give your all in everything you do. You are not afraid to start something new and are excited to see where this new opportunity takes you. For now, you do not exactly know where you are headed and have not made any prior plans, but you are looking forward to the adventure and are excited about the possibilities. What excites you the most is the chance to be creative for a project and are dreaming about making a name for yourself. Not bothered by the burdens of life, you won't let anything come between you and your dreams.
The Page of Wands indicates that you are feeling creative restlessness and want to start with your projects already and get to work. But if you study the page on the card, you will notice that he is standing still with his wand in his hand and not making any move. This indicates that it is not the right time yet to put your ideas into practicality, and this card advises you to implement your thoughts a bit more and keep them grounded before you get to the action. Before moving forward with your projects, you need to map out your plan and consider your resources. Then, test your strategies and perform some experiments before committing to them.
Love and Relationship (Upright)
When the page of wands appears upright in a relationship and love tarot card reading, it is an excellent indication of romance knocking on the door. The world is filled with possibilities right now; you should use this time to broaden your horizon. Meeting new people and connecting on a deeper level with those you already know will be a common thing for now. You will feel excited to introduce yourself to everyone because currently, you are in a position you are very proud of, and you should not shy away from talking about your achievements.
You will be excited to explore new realms when it comes to love and romance, and now is the time when you might meet someone energetic and charismatic, someone who resembles the page from the card, and expect yourself to get swept off your feet. Usually, the page of wands represents someone who loves adventures and loves trying new things. Staying still in a single place for a long time is hard for them. So building a lasting relationship with this person could be hard for you, but even this short-term relationship will be equally rewarding. Those who are in a relationship can expect their bond to grow stronger throughout this period and you may want to try out new adventures and hobbies together with your partner which will bring you closer.
Finance (Upright)
When the page of wands appears upright, this means that you'll be experiencing some luck in terms of your finances. Chances are that you might receive some extra money from various sources, which will be helpful for you. For example, you could receive money as a gift from someone close, or you might get a raise or bonus at your job. People around you might encourage you to spend the extra money because it is not hurting your savings, and it is always fun to splurge with extra money. However, the page of wands suggests that you should consider saving a generous amount before splurging because the chance is that you will need this money in the future soon.
This card indicates a bit of a crisis shortly, even if it's not apparent now, and your finances may dip for a while. So, you'll be very thankful that you saved this money to make your life easier. On the other hand, the page of wands is notoriously short-sighted and abrupt, so you might be tempted to spend some money and purchase expensive things. Avoid paying too much for something you genuinely believe is unnecessary, and you'll prosper.
Career (Upright)
The Page of Wands is an indication of new opportunities and chances. And the same applies to your career and profession. You will have quite an experience in your work life and get to try out new things which will test your creativity and skills. The chances of a new position at work or a new and exciting project getting handed to you are high during this time. No matter what, you will have a great time all around and your potential will shine through. Whatever new project you are about to embark on, success and fulfilment are guaranteed.
This card is telling you that it's time for you to stop playing so safe and start taking risks in your profession. But be careful not to move too fast as this card is an indication of eagerness for challenges and not necessarily an urge for confrontation. Make sure to be prepared for everything before you start the venture and ask yourself if you are ready for it. However, if you feel that you are ready, now is the right time to try your hand and start new ventures.
Health (Upright)
The page of wands in the upright position indicates that you have been relatively inactive for the longest time, causing you to face health issues. Take advice from this card and start participating in various activities that engage your body and get you to move physically. For example, you can create a new sport or join a new yoga class. Trying out a new exercise regime can also be helpful. And you can add a unique and healthy diet to your lifestyle, improving your health. Be highly proactive about everything in life, and don't leave it for the next day.
The Page of Wands is generally an indication of good news, which implies that if you have been waiting for a health result that impacts your life, you will receive positive news. Make sure you don’t keep loose ends on anything. Also, take precautions even if you feel well and fit. The card signals no disease near time but warns you to manage yourself as healthily as possible.
Page of Wands (Reversed)
Reversed Page of Wands tarot card meaning
When the Page of Wands appears in the reversed position, it indicates that you are having a lot of fresh ideas and are simmering with creativity. But what's bothering you the most is the lack of opportunities or a source through which you can put your ideas into reality. Even if the general idea is there as to what exactly you want to do, you are struggling to understand the best way to put it out for the whole world to see. What this card implements is that it is not yet the right time to take any form of action because your ideas are still fresh in your mind and you have not evaluated every aspect or outcome yet, and it can be detrimental at this stage to move forward with something so raw.
Play with the idea in your head for the time being, and let it grow into something bigger and solid before you move ahead and start investing your time and energy. Give the idea enough time and consideration, and watch it become something grand for your energy. The Page of Wands also hints at your failure to bring your vision to success. You were working on many new projects, and we're trying your hand at multiple new and exciting adventures, but unfortunately, none of your projects or ideas resulted in the way you wanted them to. You must've thought and planned a lot of things regarding the future of this new venture, and we're expecting it to grow into something big and successful, but you have figured out that the way you are approaching things currently is not the right way and it's not leading you to success.
This Minor Arcana tarot card tells you to stop with what you are doing currently and get back to your original idea. With the concept still fresh, think of different alternative ways in which you can approach the idea again, and along the way, elaborate on things that went wrong at the first attempt. The idea of failing at the first attempt doesn't imply that it wasn't a good one, but the approach was not appropriate. Plan harder this time and put every scenario in your mind to ensure success this time.
Love and Relationship (Reversed)
If the Page of Wands has appeared in the reversed position and you are seeing someone currently, it could be a possibility that the person is not suitable for a long-term relationship. You may have already noticed that this person loves adventure and staying still for them is not easy. They might have mentioned once or twice about how they are still unsure about things and don't know exactly what they want out of life. They want to experience life to the fullest and find out by themselves what the world has to offer before settling down. So currently this person is not reliable and you can't depend on them for important things in life which is difficult for a relationship.
Also, the people represented by the page of wands are usually fierce in nature and have a fiery personality usually which causes them to fall prey to a lot of troubles generally. This card is also a representation of a time in a relationship when you are feeling unsure about things and don't know where the relationship is headed. Your love life is currently in a rut and soon you will hit a dead-end if you keep going without a clear vision. Now is the time for you to think about what you want in a partner instead of getting into a relationship without much thought. You should actively look for ways to bring the spark back into your relationship as this card indicates that your relationship is going bland and boring by the day.
Finance (Reversed)
If the Page of Wands appears reversed, this is an indication that you are soon about to face financial instability. Chances of debt and loans will likely cause mental stress for you. There are many different reasons why this situation is knocking at your door. First is your lack of foresight about your financial situation, and this has caused you to lose more money than usual. You couldn't prepare for mishaps because you lacked planning. Third, you must've been too confident about your money and never expected to be in crisis. This confidence made you lose sight of what was happening, and now you are dealing with the repercussions.
Take it as teaching by this Minor Arcana card, and this time that no matter how good or bad a situation is, there is always an equal chance for change. One should not get used to good fortune because adjusting to the bad times is hard. After all, one cannot avoid bad fortune. It'll be an experience for you to remember next time when you are thriving again and will make you prepare better for something similar. It'll also motivate you to keep moving because you know you can get out of this situation. Keep working hard and save as much as possible to pass this crisis.
Career (Reversed)
The Page of Wands in the reversed position is a representation of your unhappiness with your current profession making you realise that this is not what you originally planned for when you were thinking about your future. You had a clear picture in your head about what you wanted to do. But along the way, you lost your direction and ended up in a profession you are not at all resonating with. You do know what you want your career to be and very much want to follow it, but your head is coming up blank when thinking about ways you could do it. You are unsure about how to get there and are feeling lost. This is making you lose interest in your current work and you can't seem to gather enough motivation to keep going.
It also indicates that maybe you do know what you want to do and how to get there, but since a lot of time has passed, you have lost the interest and spark you felt before. Take the page of wands as advice and evaluate everything in your life. Take stock of all the information, like what you want, how you shall reach it, and how you will manage during settling. Remember that nothing is permanent, and your current situation is not fixed. You can easily change it and make a difference with enough motivation and proper planning.
Health (Reversed)
The Page of Wands (reversed) in a health tarot card reading indicates that you are having issues with your energy level. It could either be that you are highly hyped because of pent-up energy and want a source of relief. Or this can also indicate that you are lacking energy and don't feel any enthusiasm at all. You must feel demotivated to get up and get going if you have been suffering from an illness for a long time. You lack the energy to get going and want to stay still for as long as possible.
This card from the Suit of Cups can also indicate that you are fed up with staying still for too long and want to get going and start with new things. Ahead, the Page of Wands advises you to remain calm, slowly ease into active things, and take help from friends and family to motivate you. Prepare goals as it would aid in achieving the milestones efficiently. Minor diseases could be around too. So, take this as a hint and avoid anything you think might harm you.
Page of Wands: One Card Pull
One card pull is done when you want to have straight to the point and quick answers. It is for the time when you wish to know specific answers in the form of Yes or No. So, if you are going through any tough situation or are stuck in a dilemma, getting a one-card pull is always helpful. Post shuffling the card, you can choose one from the deck. Depending on your question, you shall get the answer to the question. The results for one card pull in the page of wands card is:
Upright Position: If you have pulled the page of wands in the upright position, the answer is a definite yes.
Reversed Position: If you have pulled the page of wands in the reversed position, the answer is still yes, but you have to reign in your confidence a little and be humble.
Page of Wands for Timing
If the question is about when something you wish for will come to reality, and the page of wands has been pulled out, this can indicate that the time is very near. To be very specific about the time, one should expect it to be during the spring of the zodiac signs season Aries, Sagittarius, or Leo.
Remember that whatever you wish for is right around the corner and needs just a bit of patience. You will soon figure out the time. If the reading is done during the summer, this does not mean your wish will be fulfilled during the spring. It means that you should expect the time to be during the Leo season or the upcoming month.
It is hard to predict the future considering years since our future keeps changing with every action we take.