How old is Liv Tyler? When is Liv Tyler's birthday? Where is Liv Tyler born? Where did Liv Tyler grow up from? What's Liv Tyler's age?
Liv Tyler Born: July 1, 1977 (age 46years), The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
How tall is Liv Tyler in meters or centimeters?
Liv Tyler Height: 5 10
Is Liv Tyler married? When did Liv Tyler get married? Who's Liv Tyler's married to? (Who's Liv Tyler's husband / wife)?
Liv Tyler Spouse: Royston Langdon (m. 20032009)
How about Liv Tyler's parents?
Liv Tyler Parents: Steven Tyler, Bebe Buell
Does Liv Tyler have any children? What are the names of Liv Tyler's children? What are the ages of Liv Tyler's children?
Liv Tyler Children: Milo William Langdon
How old was Liv Tyler when she found out who her dad was?
Liv Rundgren Tyler, 46Growing up, Liv believed that her mother's partner at the time of her birth, Utopia frontman Todd Rundgren, was her biological father. When she was 8 years old, Liv found out that Tyler was actually her father after attending one of his concerts with her mother.
Does Liv Tyler have a relationship with Steven Tyler?
Since learning the truth about her paternity, Liv and Steven have developed a close relationship. They also have worked together professionally, once when she appeared in Aerosmith's music video for "Crazy" in 1993, and again when Aerosmith performed songs in the film Armageddon (1998), in which Liv starred.
Did Liv Tyler gain a lot of weight?
The 5ft 10 actress had to keep her weight to just 126 pounds while playing Arwen in the trilogy but started piling on the pounds when filming was over - putting on 28lbs. "Now I'm fat but happy. I was sick and tired of starving myself to look thin. It was no fun.
Who is the daughter of Aerosmith?
Liv Tyler is an American actress and the daughter of Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler. She made her feature-film debut in 1994's Silent Fall and appeared in Aerosmith's music video "Crazy" that same year.