How old is Estella Sneider? When is Estella Sneider's birthday? Where is Estella Sneider born? Where did Estella Sneider grow up from? What's Estella Sneider's age?
Estella Sneider Born: September 3, 1950 (age 72years), New York, New York, United States
Does Estella Sneider have any children? What are the names of Estella Sneider's children? What are the ages of Estella Sneider's children?
Estella Sneider Children: Mauricio Umansky, Sharon Umansky Benton
Estella Sneider Education: University of Southern California, California Graduate Institute
Estella Sneider Nationality: American
Estella Sneider Grandchild: Alexia Umansky, Sophia Umansky
Estella Sneider Tv-shows-and-movies: Doctora Corazn, The Brentwood Connection, Beverly Hills Royal, 900 Voices