Does your wanderlust have you dreaming of jobs in beautiful, far away places, but Covid is keeping you grounded? Starting a new career teaching English online is a great option to keep you internationally-focused while finding new opportunities to take you abroad when the time comes.
Teaching English, whether online or in person, can take shape as leading a fun and interactive game with young learners, helping students prepare for an English language exam, or, perhaps, teaching more targeted skills for those who need to learn English as a part of their profession.

Considering any teaching opportunity abroad packs a lot of factors to consider: where should you go, what will everyday life look like there, who will you be teaching, what are the benefits, and, wait a minute, am I even qualified for this adventure I’m daydreaming of?
Though there are various paths to find yourself standing in front of your classroom, becoming certified beforehand can open doors to more job opportunities and help you reap greater benefits once you get there. There are various ESL certifications but go ahead and invest in the one that will help you the most when it comes to standing out from the crowd—we’re talking about online (and in-person) CELTA certification!
What is CELTA certification?
If you’ve looked very far into teaching English as a foreign language, you’ve likely encountered a lot of acronyms, including CELTA’s friends TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), and TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language).
All of these acronyms are essentially different types of tickets to your English teaching job. But what in the world is CELTA certification? In short, it's a fully accredited course by the Cambridge English Language Assessment (ahem, not to name drop but that is the same Cambridge as the very renowned University of Cambridge).
Getting certified online or in-person will have you well on your way to being a competitive candidate for English teaching opportunities around the globe.
3 crucial CELTA vs. TEFL differences
1. Cost
Let’s just go ahead and get this one out of the way. No matter whether you choose the CELTA or TEFL journey, you’re going to first have to spend some money to make some money! One apparent difference in CELTA vs. TEFL will be the cost of the course and certification.

You can shop around but on average you’ll find the cost of the online CELTA to be in the ballpark of $1,800 while an in-person course averages about $2,000. On the flip side, an online TEFL course can start at a cool $300 while in-person TEFL class prices will likely total in the range of $500–$1,500.
However, that’s because of the crucial difference in course scope and standards….
2. Course
Another crucial difference in CELTA vs. TEFL are the course standards. The CELTA is the most recognized TEFL certification, with around 75% of employers requesting this particular certification. Sometimes high demand can translate to high cost.
Plus, the course itself is very rigorous. A moderator from Cambridge must check the standards of every course, and Cambridge themselves provide the certificate (not the center who delivers the course). Tutors must all be qualified to DipTESOL/Delta level and therefore able to train teachers (including beyond teaching English).
Again, regardless which route you decide, you’ll want to make sure you invest your time in a trusted, recognized, and reputable course. Make note of past students’ reviews, the method of instruction, the hours of instruction and how you’ll receive your feedback.
3. Acceptance
Last, consider where your certification potentially will (or won’t) be accepted. Obviously, you’ll want to ensure a return on your investment!
CELTA is the most widely recognized form of certification in the industry and many jobs go as far as stating specifically that they only accept CELTA-qualified teachers. At the same time, there are many teaching opportunities that require TEFL certification as well, but these tend to be more “casual” in nature.
Familiarizing yourself with major differences between CELTA and TEFL will make your decision a whole lot easier.
Is CELTA worth it? 7 benefits pointing to YES
1. Accessibility
CELTA’s internationally-recognized standards are now more available than ever. You can work towards your goal of becoming a CELTA-certified English teacher from anywhere and on your own time.

Right now, you can choose from a completely online, intensive 4-week course, or, if part-time is more your pace, a completely online part-time 14-week course. Either option will still have you receiving the same excellent standard of instruction that CELTA is known for. Check out online CELTA reviews and testimonials below.
Remember, gaining a CELTA certification is an investment in yourself and your future—so go for it!
2. Global recognition
Ultimately, you are the one to answer if CELTA is worth it. However, most signs point to yes, and one of those signs is knowing that your certification is recognized globally. Think about it: How would you feel after investing your valuable time, money, and effort into a course only to be met with rejection from a potential employer because of the type of certification you have?
That would be a huge bummer! You would either be back to the job boards or back to school. Some of the greatest benefits of CELTA certification are the recognition that accompanies it and the comfort in knowing this will lend you a helping hand in your job search and future career.
3. High academic standards
Why is CELTA internationally renowned? Namely, it gets the job done in preparing you! CELTA certification carries a rigid course structure and standard of instruction as there are guidelines set forth by the Cambridge English Language Assessment to ensure the quality of the course.
This benefits you and your future employer. Your course will always include 120 hours of instruction, practical teaching experience, supervised lesson planning and delivery, and valuable feedback on your teaching.
4. Boost in self-confidence
In addition to the confidence an employer will have in hiring you, another worthy benefit of CELTA is the confidence in knowing you are adequately ready to take the title of teacher.

The classroom may seem a long way in the distance right now but when that time arrives, you’ll be thankful for the confidence in your step as you enter the classroom.
Hours of course instruction, teaching practice, and constructive feedback combined with your hard work equal confidence in the classroom!
5. You don’t have to be a native English speaker
Say what?! No, that’s not a mistake. Even if English is not your native language, you can still pursue a dream of teaching English. (Some would even argue that your perspective as a non-native speaker can be an advantage in your classroom!) CELTA requires that non-native speakers have an English level of C1 or greater in order to be successful in the course.
6. Enriching experience
A CELTA certificate may be a piece of paper representing knowledge and preparation, but that isn’t all you’re gaining. Your CELTA course will also offer you a chance to connect with others with a common goal. You’ll make new friends along the way and potentially, depending on the course you choose, get to explore a new city at the same time.
In some ways, a CELTA course may feel like college again. (Most would like to relive those glory days, right?!) You’re soaking up all you need to know by day, putting it all into play during your practice teaching hours, and cheers-ing to accomplishments with your fellow aspiring English teachers at dinner in the evenings. Your weekends are yours for studying and exploring together.
So, if you’re wondering if CELTA is truly worth it and your biggest fear is being in it alone, don’t be! You are sure to exit the course with your certification as well as new, lifelong friends.
7. A new and vital network
Yes, this includes your new besties, but it also extends to your instructors, students, and the professionals that you meet throughout your course.
Building a solid relationship with your course instructor can be a great benefit when it comes time to take the next step. It’s likely that your instructor has connections at schools in multiple locations and may be able to help you in your job search, as well as provide a personal recommendation for you.

Many training centers also provide career services to their course graduates. Student voices, additionally, can serve you well by providing a recommendation. Make sure you don’t forget to tap into all of these resources during and after your certification and before you embark on your job search.
Helpful online CELTA reviews & testimonials
What are CELTA alum saying about their online experience?
- “I decided to do this course in order to gain a valuable teaching qualification which would help me find teaching opportunities abroad. I had very little teaching experience before starting the course and I felt a bit nervous at the thought of teaching a class in my first week, but now I am a confident, capable, and assertive teacher.” —Holly Sloan
- “I think for as long as it is possible to take a 100% online CELTA, everyone should consider the option. Not just because of the time and money saved on the commute, but also because online teaching will end up having a bigger role going forward.” —Bjoern Gumboldt
- “The tutors were approachable, friendly, and always provided useful suggestions. I also really appreciated how each of the tutors had their own strengths which we could learn from and very, very important, be inspired by!” —Morten Jog
- “The tutors were always there to help guide us, the students were wonderful, and I even made friends with the other people on the course. Overall, this course is excellent!” —Sean N. V
- “I was very happy with everything I was learning. The fact that it is online does not seem to affect the course at all. I feel the same as if I were in a real classroom, but with the comfort of being at home!” —Maria Ramos
Take the next step—get matched with TEFL and CELTA courses for FREE
Benefit your future and get CELTA certified!
Now that you know what CELTA certification is, the world is yours! Take the first steps to a shiny, new, world-recognized CELTA certificate; crunch some numbers and prepare a budget, research the best CELTA course option and location for your preference, and pack your bags (or prepare for your virtual trip!).
You’re on your way to new friendships, a new network, an incredible experience, and a rewarding new career as a CELTA certified English teacher!
Explore ALL online TEFL and CELTA courses on
This article was written with help from Oxford TEFL. Oxford TEFL offers both online and in-person CELTA certification. Founded in 1998, they have trained more than 4,000 teachers around the world.